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Meet Us

About Blunt Brunch

Blunt Brunch is an event series that brings together the hard-working women contributing to their local community by supporting, learning with, and empowering one another.

Female executives and business leaders have long fought the powers that be for equal opportunities, representation, respect, and inclusion. But when doors don’t open, we won’t stand knocking. We’ll build our own house and swing the door open for those who deserve it most.

Blunt Brunch events have been designed to foster collaboration and community among women in the business world and beyond. We believe in the Law of Abundance, which means there is more than enough business to go around.

Why compete with one another when we can work together to achieve our goals?

At Blunt Brunch, we create an atmosphere where women of all ages and stages of life can connect with each other.

Join us in a new chapter, together.

Our Mission

At Blunt Brunch, our mission is to provide a platform where women executives and business leaders can gather to exchange ideas, network, and find support. It’s the perfect opportunity for women in business to expand their networks, learn from other successful women, and make meaningful connections.

Join us to discover the power of collaboration in the world of business.

Become a Brunchette

Our Team

We are very proud of our exceptional team at Blunt Brunch. Our dynamic group of women executives are dedicated to forging a vibrant community for fellow women executives and professionals in business. United by a common goal, we are driven to connect, empower, and support one another, catalyzing positive change and fostering a thriving environment for women in leadership positions.

As trailblazers in our field, we recognize the immense value of collaboration, and through our collective efforts, we aim to uplift and inspire women across the industry, ultimately driving the advancement and representation of female leaders.

Adelia Carrillo

Co-Founder of Blunt Brunch & CMO of EventHi

Parisa Rad

Co-Founder of Blunt Brunch

Interested in becoming a Sponsor?

Social vendor sponsorships available which include tickets to the whole event.